DEME | Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence

Make a difference in a changing world.


During this virtual break-out session we reflect on the effect of your emotional intelligence on your professional life. This starts with self-knowledge and self-regulation; to what extent are you aware of how you react in certain situations and can you control this?

It is not for nothing that cooperation is mentioned as one of the most important skills of the moment. Working in teams enables us to adapt quickly, innovate and work more efficiently. Moreover, we are all increasingly looking for ‘belonging’ on the work floor. All this calls for emotionally intelligent action.

“Those who are emotionally intelligent can use this in a work context to deal more smoothly with constant change and to work better towards a common goal.”

This means that we know our own ambitions and motivations, can understand and grasp the emotions of our colleagues and make use of it all together to achieve a common goal. The good news is that this is something we can train!


  • Register for the session "Emotional intelligence" here.
    There are only 7 seats remaining.
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Register for another session ?

Not the right topic for you ? We host three other sessions: “Giving and receiving feedback” – which is given twice, simultaneous with the same content – or “Fail fast forward”.

Instructions ZOOM meeting

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